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Parts of Speech: Nouns

A noun is a person, place, or thing.

· English grammar,beginner,for kids


Nouns are one of the parts of speech. Parts of speech are kinds of words. 

Words are like Legos. Just like we use different kinds of Legos to make things, we use different kinds of words to make sentences and say what we mean.

A noun is a person, place, or thing.
In this video, Teacher Rachel gives many examples of nouns.

Instructions: Watch the video. Then complete the following exercises.

Which words are nouns? Remember, a noun is a person, place or thing.
Bonus points if you can say what kind of noun it is (person, place, or thing)!

  1. horse
  2. by
  3. toy
  4. dad
  5. read
  6. brother
  7. sit
  8. China
  9. jump
  10. happy
  11. street
  12. me
  13. you
  14. sadly
  15. spider
  16. angry
  17. school
  18. friend
  19. throw
  20. water


  1. horse - noun (thing)
  2. by - not a noun (preposition)
  3. toy - noun (thing)
  4. dad - noun (person)
  5. read - not a noun (verb)
  6. brother - noun (person)
  7. sit - not a noun (verb)
  8. China - noun (place)
  9. jump - not a noun (verb)
  10. happy - not a noun (adjective)
  11. street - noun (place)
  12. me - noun (person)
  13. you - noun (person)
  14. sadly - not a noun (adverb)
  15. spider - noun (thing)
  16. angry - not a noun (adjective)
  17. school - noun (place)
  18. friend - noun (person)
  19. throw - not a noun (verb)
  20. water - noun (thing)

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