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Parts of Speech: Adjectives

Adjectives are words that describe nouns.

· for kids,English grammar

Adjectives are one of the parts of speech. Parts of speech are kinds of words. Just like we use different kinds of Legos to make things, we use different kinds of words to make sentences and say what we mean.

An adjective is a word that describes a noun.

In this video, Teacher Rachel shows some examples of adjectives.

Can you make a list of 10 adjectives? Remember, they should describe nouns.

For more practice, complete the exercises below.

Complete the sentences with the adjective. Then, figure out which noun the adjective describes.

1. My parents bought a ______ car.
a. drive b. that c. red

2. The _______ boy ran to the playground.
a. John b. big c. run

3. Your dog looks _______.
a. sad b. dog. c. eating

4. The math exam was so _______!
a. teacher b. hard. c. 4

5. I like _______ cats.
a. meow b. kitten c. fat

6. She hit her classmate. She was _______.
a. naughty b. kitten c. fat

7. He likes to travel to _______ places.
a. airplne b. warm c. fish  

8. Today is cold and _______.
a. jacket b. freeze c. snowy

9. I don't like ______ food.
a. spicy b. cook c. hamburgers

10. The pizza was _______.
a. bake b. delicious c. pasta


1. c - red
"Red" describes the noun "car".

2. b - big
"Big" describes "boy".

3. a - sad
"Sad" describes the noun "dog".

4. b - hard
"Hard" describes "exam".

5. c - fat
"Fat" describes "cats".

6. a - naughty
"Naughty" describes "she".

7. b - warm
"Warm" describes "places".

8. c - snowy
"Snowy" describes "today".

9. a - spicy
"Spicy" describes "food".

10. b - delicious
"Delicious" describes "pizza".


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