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Parts of Speech

The parts of speech are different TYPES of words.

· English grammar,beginner,for kids


Teacher Rachel introduces the parts of speech. Why they are important to learn?

Because speaking a language is like playing with Legos!

You know how Legos come in different sizes, shapes and colors? And you need to know how to use the different kinds of Legos to be able to build something cool, right?

Well, English is the same way. There are different kinds of English words, and they do different things. These different kinds of words are called parts of speech. 

Nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs are all parts of speech. They all do different things inside a sentence.

Like playing with Legos, knowing the different parts of speech will help you build cool sentences all by yourself!

Click here to go to the next video and practice exercises about nouns!